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September 30th, 2014 at 04:18 pm
Well, October begins tomorrow and I've come to the realization that my blogging world might have graduated from money management to a more global kind. I frankly don't have that much to write about the money situation. Life will go on through employment, unemployment, career changes, life changes. And the bills will get paid. And the children will become college educated. And DH and I will retire.
I'm thankful for the support of the group seeing me through my money evolution. It is interesting to go back and reread some of my posts.
I'm officially retiring. Hanging up the CLOSED sign and moving on to newer corners of the blogosphere.
I'll follow everyone's journey and comment occasionally. Life is good. Whatever challenges arise, I hope that everyone finds love and peace.
Posted in
August 5th, 2014 at 08:53 pm
Our Italian foreign exchange student (here forward referred to as "M") came yesterday with her mother and stepfather for a visit. They are lovely people. We worked around the language barrier, and I think things will be fine. M is quiet and serious and while I suspect far more mature in her behaviors (FB posts and Instagrams suggest weekends away her boyfriend, drinking and smoking) as she lives at school during the week.
I also determined they are very wealthy.
Like two homes: penthouse in the palazzo in Verona and a villa in Toscano. And after one week in Chicago the parents are going on to ten-days in Barbados. And they love to vacation in Africa, spent the month of January in Zanzibar. And my entire family could like in the mother's Louis Viutton handbag (if it is misspelled, sorry!).
Welcome to suburbia! Our weekend is a trip to Milwaukee on Saturday for an Irish dance competition, and Sunday is a baby shower and a pool party at my mother's friends. And then next Saturday is at our friend's Lake Michigan house. No discoteques in DG!
The only nice thing is my oldest daughter has been invited to summer in Italy with the family. I imagine we are something like family now with these folks. The mother (in broken English) wanted to know that M will be like one of my own. Mothering a teenage daughter other than my own will hopefully be not as scary as it sounds after rereading what I just typed!
Posted in
August 4th, 2014 at 08:56 pm
Today the craziness of the schedule begins: Science Readiness Camp, soccer practice, dance class, Boy Scouts. Throw in the regular paper chase and life and it is chaotic.
However, more importantly "The Italians are coming" as one son has declared. Our foreign exchange student and her mom are coming by for our first face-to-face visit. They are staying in a hotel which makes it a bit easier. The room is ready and came together really well (I spent $47.50 on bedding, $9 on sheets, $26 on drapes, and $100 on a mattress). My brother gave us a dresser and bookcase (we already had the bed) and I did spend $10 on a table. My mom gave us a lamp as did my brother. Looks very homey and comfortable. We hope she likes it.
And the house is clean and organized. No more shoving things out of site. I do have several bins to be consolidated, but those are in the basement and organized (relatively). I also did a good job putting away the camping equipment and knowing what we are short on. It does feel good to be neat and organized, helps with the internal chaos of the mind.
Well, wish us well, that our girls will be fast friends and we all experience wonderful things from this experience.
PS I am taking the day off from worrying about the future of my husband's employment situation. It *will* be fine regardless. (deep breath as I say that).
Posted in
August 3rd, 2014 at 02:36 pm
It is not easy here, let me tell you. I don't handle transition or uncertainty really well, as evidenced by my recent posts.
DH was at BS Camp with oldest son Thurs-Sat. A close family friend died (he had been my boss too for at least eight years off and on). Really, really, really hard loss to take. Didn't help that my mom was broken up too. Can't handle my own emotional baggage lately, so anyone else's is out of the question. I would have liked to stay in bed, but had plans to take kids plus friends to the zoo (six kids total, one on the Aspberger's continuum who liked to wander and leave a trail of liquid wherever we went - I wondered why he brought his own 10 juice boxes, and he kicked every garbage can one, and lamented that the "lucky penny" he found wasn't lucky.) Ordinarily it wouldn't have been a big deal to chaperone him, just on a heavy day I felt SO burdened and I hate to admit that.
Happy news: the bedroom for our foreign exchange student is almost ready. Younger daughter and I bought a mattress at Sams ($106). Couldn't find one to borrow and DH wasn't keen on finding one on craigslist. My brother is getting married next year and is sprucing up his house. We ended up with his end and coffee tables last week. He gave us my grandfather's dresser, a bookcase, two brand new pillow, a brand new shower caddy, and two lamps. I love it when my brother hands things on, it is always an upgrade!
DH and son got back from camp. DH is excited but stressed about the new job opportunity - they've gone from phone interview, to onsite interview, now on to onsite interviews with multiple people (an agenda!) for August 11th. His stress stresses me out even more. I got 4.7 miles in at that Y yesterday. The camper was tired and moody, had a shower and melt down (which I happened to ignore and went to bed). No energy left for nonsense is my motto.
Sleep has been non-existent with the mind working (or not working) and waking up in the middle night. I have been listening to "The Scarlet Letter" (easier for me to listen to than read) and even that hasn't bored me enough to sleep. I resorted to Z-quil three nights ago and then last night. I had to adjust the dosage since I'm on the little side. I think I got it right. Only slept eight hours rather than twelve.
Moneys spent: filled up both minivans since gas is cheap $69 for DH, $59 for mine. Spent on BTS clothing: $36 for 2 uniform pants for older daughter, $20 on pair of jeans for younger daughter, $20 for older daughter (dressy shirt and scarf). Also spent $120 at Walmart ($45 groceries, $60 household items - two sets of dishes/one pair of drapes, $15 on BTS items and pets).
We're off to a Seminarian send-off for our diocese. We were invited by the priest and our parish paid; DH and I are going with the boys. Should be a nice event as we are sitting with another family that are on the "really good friends" list.
Tomorrow craziness begins with Science Readiness Camp, soccer practice for all the boys, and dance class. And I'm not exactly sure when our foreign friends are rolling and what their plans are!
So, if you're still here, thanks for riding the brain dump truck with me. I do feel better getting it all out of my head and onto paper. Maybe one day I will go back and read this and laugh? Not thinking so!
ETA: The new dishes from Walmart ($50 came out of the monthly gift from my grandmother). I also spent $20 of that for the cost in the previous purchase. And I'm happy about both purchases.
Posted in
August 1st, 2014 at 05:54 pm
I really think that I am losing any grasp on sanity that I had. August is here and that means that DH's last day is *this* month (why does that seem so much worse than *next* month). Please note: job opportunity presented to husband (went right to onsite interviews with multiple people) remains, but I don't want to jinx that opportunity and already mourned its loss twice. (Long story for another post).
I thought about taking the month off from blogging here and trying to divert my nervous energy elsewhere, but haven't committed one way or another to that concept (given this is brain dump here, or "where I try to hash it all out."
It doesn't help that August is a high spend month with back to school stuff, though we are doing only the minimum this year. If you've got markers from last year in last year's pencil bag, you're using those. And for my girls if they need text books for second semester, we'll buy those later (for electives). We've already benefitted from the kindness of others: hand-me-down uniforms for the girls (though I will need to buy one pair of black pants and a few oxfords), and school books, etc. Definitely trying to stay focused on the positive.
Books that I need to buy will go on DH's new Citibank card toward $1,500 spending for bonus.
August is a month filled with fun things: dance competition for the girls in Milwaukee which will have a visit with bro's x-gf, a baby shower, a day at Lake Michigan with our friends (though the list of guests is a lot larger than I am comfortable with - I imagine I can always bring a book and read), our foreign exchange student, etc. etc.
I've also dropped more pounds as I continue to run( a nice way to deal with some stress), and I've been through the closet and am left with what I like and what fits. And there are some major deficits for the fall/winter. I did score a great find yesterday - a $20 trench coat on FB's local garage sale page. I will try to post a pic of it:
And I am a bit overwhelmed by August's calendar - tons of driving kids to/from camps and orientations and soccer practice starts, and dance squad practice, etc.
Oh boy, am I mess. I do think I may remain here muddling my way through my angst. I clearly am not cut out for uncertainty. If you can spare any prayers for me and mine, I would be eternally grateful.
{i think that i am most concerned that if this doesn't work out for dh we are that much further away from growing our family through adoption and financial security - there, i said it. and i don't feel much better).
Posted in
July 31st, 2014 at 10:02 pm
DH had the strong possibility of a position with a company one suburb north of us. The dept. manager liked what she saw on his resume and responded within five minutes of seeing it that she was interested in him (particularly his experience on some software or whatever). That opportunity went back and forth for six weeks. The hiccup was that the agency that gave the company my husband's resume was temp to permanent. DH was going in as a permanent and there were issues negotiating a placement fee. At that point, my husband was told by the agency to contact the Dept. Manager directly. He did and received a "the position is filled" rejection email.
OK, fine, it would have been far too easy way to navigate his employment situation.
Well, low and behold the job opportunity has been resurrected. And it is a management position. And it pays quite well with a 10% bonus. And they want him for an on-cite interview as soon as possible. And a copy of his resume to begin his candidacy.
Not sure how I feel about this. Hopeful? Excited? It is difficult to remain neutral. It would be so ideal if he could get this job. Our situation would really be stable and solid.
Just thought I'd vent and write this out.
Posted in
July 30th, 2014 at 02:49 pm
Our foreign exchange student arrives Monday.
I am now a firm believer in lists. I need to buy a curtain rod today and have DH put up tonight.
DH is heading up to Boy Scout camp for three days leaving tomorrow. He initially opted out because of the two week vacation to California and his departure is at the end of August. Guess what? They don't have enough work for him this week (next week is another story). And our 11 year old is battling a bad bout of homesickness. So DH is off, driving the 5-hour ride with a friend who was already going. Need to borrow a sleeping bag and that is it.
Younger daughter got her new-to-her uniform skirt for the new high school. She is getting excited. The Back to School excitement is creeping in for some of my kids, others not so much.
Considering the purchase of a $100 Old Navy gift card offered through CVS. I can get $15 CVS bucks. I do think that qualifies as making money while spending.
DH opened up a new Citibank credit card and will get $200 back after he spends $1,500 in three months. I am counting at Christmas money. I also opened up a checking/savings account with them and should be getting $100 in the next $30 days.
That is all the non-exciting things going on.
Posted in
July 29th, 2014 at 04:08 pm
1) DH's job potential has officially died. It died and then was resurrected ever so briefly, only to die again. We are burying that and moving on. I am briefly mourning that loss because it made the transition seem much easier.
2) DH has been told he has a job waiting for him as an insurance adjustor with a major insurance company. That is reassuring, but I imagine that would be a last resort because travel is required and the starting pay is way low, like I would need have a steady part-time income to supplement and I'm not at that point yet.
3) Viet Nam has opened up the country for international adoption. We've always said that is where we would adopt from, given we love and understand the culture and have family from Ho Chi Min City. Definitely makes us want to become settled in our home situation so we can move forward on that. We are considering a sibling group. Please pray for us as this is a huge thing.
4) I am considering a mission trip to the Philippines in February with a friend who started a not-for-profit that brings solar energy to remote island. If it doesn't work out I can always attend a later trip (there are two annually). I will have to get the passport squared away with that, and my oldest daughter (who has a heart for service and mission-work) would like to go. Still have to wonder about funding for that, though I imagine if it is meant to be, it will work out.
5) On the home front, I was feeling a bit bad that I didn't have funds to finish up my "décor re-do". Namely tables. My brother is upgrading his living room and I inherited his coffee and end tables. Looks so good! Like they belong here. I also was given a good friend's wineglass collection (one set of six, two sets of four) and they are now on the top shelf of my china closet. Love the way it all comes together!
6) Smaller money stuff - organized the coupons yesterday and matched up with the sale ads. Looks like I will be able to make the money go further if I do this at least for some of the items. I am convinced that buying in bulk isn't always the answer for stretching the money, on some things definitely - but the amount of money spent up front is sometimes surprising.
Posted in
July 24th, 2014 at 03:21 pm
Well, decided that the little black cloud of my $1,400 blunder cast shadows for too many days, so I've stepped out from under it and am in the Sunshine. Not quite Pollyanna yet, but feeling like more like my evolved self.
Job opportunity for DH has been extinguished. He was recommended through an agency that only does temp-to-perm and he was perm so there was a lot of drama about negotiating the agency's finder fee, and as much as he was liked it was easier to go with someone else.
Severance is taxed at 25%, and he can apply for unemployment right away. We're not really talking right now about what he'll do after that. The mental toll that this has taken on him is worrisome, from the weight gain to the heart palpitations from stress, etc.
My mother paid me for taking care of her plants/bringing in her mail/checking in on her dogs at the boarder. She paid me $28 the cash she had on hand, funny thing about it is I am cooking dinner tonight and brining it to our parish center for the team of college students that is running a summer program. My family + team + a few kids' friends for homemade sloppy joes and drinks $27 at Aldi's. I had a big bag of chips from Sam's and makings for a pasta salad on hand. I did have an odd randomly fleeting concern about how to fund this meal. Didn't need to worry after all.
As a visual reminder of the vacation and how wonderful it was, I will share another pic with you.
Wine country north of Santa Barbara
Posted in
July 22nd, 2014 at 04:31 pm
from my $1,400 blunder. It is hard, especially since the blahs have a tight hold of my ankles and aren't really letting me get above water for air.
The promising lead on a job for my husband has officially been extinguished. Time to move on. Engage the brain, use the plan, etc.
I am my own biggest hurdle to success and contentment.
As one friend says (and I have been known to quote), "Turn that frown upside down." Easier said than done. But the reality is we did have a wonderful trip and I was able to lay on Laguna Beach for several afternoons (in a two-piece! been eons since I could do that :P )
Here is a picture that I took:
End note: DH just had his "off-board" meeting, I imagine that is just a nice way of saying "kicked out/laid off/etc". Severance is taxed at 25% and we pay ADP directly for COBRA. Lots of details to deal with.
Posted in
July 22nd, 2014 at 02:25 am
How is that for an attention-grabbing post title? Pretty much describes me and where I am right now. Not usually this down and depressed.
We returned from a wonderful vacation. Wonderful family memories made, with both immediate and extended. And then I made the fatal mistake of thinking we were coming home on Thursday. It really should have been Wednesday. For the life of me, I can't figure out how it exactly happened that way. I told everyone the dates, rented the car for that long, and made hotel reservations accordingly.
Well, long story short, it took an additional $1,400 to get everyone home. Roughly $200 per person. To fly on our original airline would have been $500 per person (and there are seven of us). We had an additional two days at the beach and we are all tan and healthy looking. I perseverated about the money thing for a good 30 minutes until my mother said, "Honestly, Laura. It is only money." And she is totally correct.
However, we are facing unemployment. Last day of DH's job is 8/29 and there aren't a lot of prospects out there. The one promising lead is now a dull flicker, not quite yet smoldering. So I have $1,400 more in credit card debt. And I'm perseverating.
August is a three-paycheck month. I am trying to desperately stretch those funds.
Here is a snapshot of July: Paid $1,053 to one high school (25% of balance), $850 to other high school (combined with stipend from hosting foreign exchange student, paid $40% of balance), paid $150 to elementary school (12%), paid $2,000 to property tax.
I had planned on August's funds this way: $567.75 to high school 1, $550 to high school 2, $150 to elementary school, $1000 to property taxes, and $1,750 to mortgage. We are one month ahead on mortgage.
I am wondering if given my mindset if I should just pour all the funds into one pot and then just make the regular monthly payments? I also have to take care of a crown for DH, and a plumbing issue. I am regretting the purchase of two occasional chairs for the family room, but we were in desperate need of seating and the boxes are gone, the chairs are used, etc.
It doesn't help that I am tired, PMS-ing, feeling overwhelmed, under-motivated, etc.
So there. That is my sad story. I must return to my pity party. And mourn the loss of $1,400 due to my own personal stupidity.
One upswing: Ended up with two A's from spring quarter and like my 4.0. I joined a used book exchange and won't have to purchase books for the Fall. And I flew into Minneapolis/St. Paul, ceejay did you see me wave. And I survived the small plane ride to Chicago, small as in plane, only four seats across. And I didn't even puke.
Posted in
July 5th, 2014 at 02:28 pm
I love it when just as you are thinking that you are "ahead" (relative term to describe the feeling that you are progressing at least somewhat faster than you should be in whatever arena you are comparing and measuring), you realize that you aren't.
Last post I was very pleased and proud of being "ahead" of the list of things that I need to pay, or am at least fiscally responsible for. And then my little karma cloud found me and dropped a few rain pellets onto my face.
Upon our trip (for August) it looks like we will need:
1) $500 for DH's crown (but as he said, "Thankfully I don't need a root canal". Agree with you on that one, M!)
2) $500 deductible for hit and run repair on the minivan. The new one which is a 2011. It is drivable but there is a huge dent on the read quarter panel where I was hit by a presumable white pick up truck (FIL's guess based on height of impact dent and paint left behind)
3) Plumbing repair for some leaks in my family room ceiling where the upstairs shower and tub water pipe is leaking.
Oh well. Life goes on. And the list is endless.
Must remind myself that I am glad that I took care of all that I did for "July" (budget already done and encompasses all moneys in and out for the month).
Ending on a high note, vacation officially starts on Tuesday AM (5 ish when our early flight departs). I look forward to the time away and with family. Lots of fun things on the agenda. As stated in last post, trip is all paid for plus $1,100 spending cash.
Posted in
July 3rd, 2014 at 02:51 am
Well, DH's meeting with the pastor ended up with some possibilities, but nothing concrete. Some things he could be put in charge of where the need exists, plus the possible departure of the present business manager (DH's background is in finance/accounting). I would have liked something concrete, especially since DH brought home his Worker Adjustment Retraining Notice which states his last day of work in the two week window of 8/29 to 9/14. Definitely trying to remain positive and hopeful about things.
Our summer vacation is coming up: leaving 7/8 and returning on 7/17. We are looking forward to it, and the recurrent musical theme is "It Never Rains in Southern CA" and "I'm Going to Diznee Land". Paid the credit card bill will had the following: $1,700 for air fare, $100 for the hotel in Solvang. Also set up payment for $635 for hotel in Laguna Woods and $700 for car rental. We also have $1,000 cash saved for spending and don't anticipate spending more than that. My uncle took care of tix to Disneyland and Universal (a generous gift to my family). My parents will overlap the last half of the trip. My inlaws will be staying at our home to take care of the dogs and pets. It is really nice to have this paid for beforehand. Keeping the "Pre-trip shopping" to a minimum, bought the boys some shorts and Ts at Walmart.
My other goals are:
[_] $1,000 to high school tuition #1
[_] $850 to high school tuition #2
[_] $150 to elementary school tuition
[_] $1,750 mortgage payment (August's)
[_] $2,000 to real estate tax payment on rental property
I will be able to take care of everything but the $2K to taxes with tomorrow's paycheck. It is amazing how much money one can accumulate when there is virtually no spending.
Update to home improvement spending: $47.50 for twin bedding for guest room, $13.50 for set of sheets at Target, $9.00 for bedside table found at Goodwill for guest bedroom. $18.99 shower curtain at Target. Cash for all the above.
Low-key plans for the 4th. Some kids and DH are marching in our town's parade and then off to my parents' house for a cook out (grilled chicken sandwiches and salads). I'll make a dessert to bring. Keeping the grocery costs down by finishing up the leftovers from Sunday's cookout.
Spent $3 on kids' admission to the $1 movie.
So that is it on the money front. Thanks for the well wishes/prayers about DH's job with the church.
Posted in
June 30th, 2014 at 10:27 pm
DH has a meeting with the pastor of our parish tomorrow. He (the pastor) "has some ideas" about options for DH. For the newbies, DH's last day of paid employment is August 29th. We are assuming that this is some sort of paid employment opportunities. DH's started assisting with baptisms and is taking up lectoring to add to his practices. He's accompanying the present deacon on visiting the sick and elderly and will be going through the training for being a Eucharistic minister. So life as clergy is starting.
We're attempting to do some decorating on a shoestring budget. So 2/5th of the kids and I were at Salvation Army and Goodwill looking for several items on our list. These are the two that embrace frugality and find fun in any challenge.
Younger daughter: "Yep, with Dad working for the parish and you working in jail, I think that we're going to be officially poor."
Oldest son (who is younger than daughter by three years): "Yep, I think you're right. We are the poor church mice."
Well, this poor church mouse is pretty happy. We spent most of the weekend with our Church family - there was an installation for the Knights of Columbus officers and the K of C Family picnic at a local pool. One of the benefits of being *the large poor family* is that we are always the recipient of leftovers and at present we have enough burgers and chicken breasts to get us through at least 4 days.
We dropped off two big bags of clothes to one of our friends (a younger version of us - large and poor family) and it was very nice to see all their girls in my girls' clothes.
I am one month ahead on the mortgage payment and will make the first tuition payments to the high school by the end of July ($1,000 to each is the goal).
Anyhow, it will be interesting to see what is offered to DH tomorrow at 12:30 CST. I'd appreciate any prayers and well wishes that can be spared. It would be so helpful to finally know what money we will have coming in. Still looking at ways to stretch the budget.
Total spent today: $0. Did find a rather vintage looking bedside table for $6.99 at Goodwill that son though could be sanded and painted. "Spray painted in a cool color" was his recommendation.
Posted in
June 24th, 2014 at 03:01 pm
Here is the first time I asked myself the question "How would you like to spend your money?" It is a very interesting question, especially when one has $20 for "frivolity". (New game rules: DH and I each get $20 every pay period for whatever we want: lotto ticket, bottle of premium beer, treating the kids to $.49 cones at McD's, etc).
My best friend had surgery last Thursday to repair a labral tear (?) in her hip. I've been part-time Clara Barton/Florence Nightingale, popping over to help out randomly. Her live in caretaker came into town to help and is leaving today. I was invited to join them for breakfast at Egg Harbor. Been in constant phone and FB contact with bff, listening to her complain about quality (or lack of) care other friend is giving.
Do I spend my $20 on a breakfast out (at a restaurant I like) with marginal company (love bff, not so sure about her other friend). Or do I spend the $20 on the shower curtain I found and fell in love with at Target (which cost $24.99, but I have a Red Debit to save 5% and random change in the piggy bank).
So I skipped breakfast and will be heading over to Target for my shower curtain. The kids' main bath is in need of an overhaul. We hope to do this in August. Biggest expenses will be towels, paint and primer. But I think I am happiest using my funds for the re-do.
Posted in
June 23rd, 2014 at 05:51 pm
(1) We received two free textbooks for older daughter. Since younger daughter will be at a different school, I will return the two free textbooks that she would have used. I will also donate the freshman/sophomore books that we won't be using.
(2) Still waiting to hear how much daughter's dance attire will cost. Appears that the order might not be placed until next week, meaning that we collect rent on the 30th of June - so might be able to use some of those funds.
(3) Older daughter's uniforms (as a junior she wears different colors) will be covered at the uniform swap (I will be turning in all the younger daughter's things so will only need to get black pants - and since she is a 0Tall all she can wear is Arizona brand out of JCP)
(4) Younger daughter is getting hand-me-downs, and already has a brand new pair of Sperry's that we bought on grand clearance last January. I even forgot about those. She thinks all she will need are some grey tights.
(5) My parents did a Sam's run and bought Danimals and Big Texas cinnamon rolls (saving me at least $16 on those items).
(6) DH paid the balance for his bootcamp class with cash left over from his birthday and Father's Day. I did pitch in five singles to make it easy.
(7) Trying to move away from convenience foods, but it is so much easier to have prepared frozen foods for the kids to reheat and eat for lunch. I definitely need to make progress in this area.
(8) Baked Teriyaki chicken and rice for dinner. Also plan on making strawberry white chocolate scones for breakfast tomorrow.
Posted in
June 22nd, 2014 at 01:31 am
Phew. I am tired. Older daughter's asthma was really bad earlier this week due to allergies, and the doctor wasn't against prescribing steroids for the inflammation. I should add that steroids + this child do not mix; however, breathing trumps tantrums so 5 days of prednisone was the course. Mood swings, tears, needing hugs and hating people all in the same ten minute interval. You got it.
Then younger daughter was accepted to the high school she thinks she would like to attend. That was Monday. The icing on the cake of this transfer was making the pom squad. She attended the camp for the team for the first hour and half and then called to let me know she's made the squad. OK, now the reality has set in of the transfer because the money changes hands tomorrow (for camp fee, uniforms, etc). She is second guessing her decisions. I've had to tell her that this where she wanted to be, I've supported her decision, she should go and see if it is everything she hopes it will be. She's now afraid of not making friends (she knows people from her grammar school, she is on the dance squad, she will make new friends). She is lacking confidence in her decision and is fraught with tears, anxiety, and fear. I've assured her that it is all normal. And at her exit interview at the school she attended last year, the assistant principal told her the door is always open for her to return because she is a wonderful student, example of Christianity, and a delightful person. So if it all falls apart she can return to where she came from.
So I've had lots of crying girls with yelling and screaming (which is something that doesn't ever happen at my house). I've held it together fairly well, but at this point I am just tired. I wish that we'd return to our normally happy selves. But it does make me thankful for our normal carefree days. Wish they'd come back.
Posted in
June 20th, 2014 at 05:56 pm
And creating a new account in the resurrected Quicken. I will admit to being a poor money manager this past quarter. School sort of caused a shift in my equilibrium and money sort of dropped to the bottom of the ladder of importance. I didn't bounce any checks and did well overall since most things were on autopilot.
Days of frivolity are done. DH's last day of work is August 29th. Time to fully commit to intentional living and making wise economic choices. Today was a logical time to start, since it is payday. I am holding funds in reserve pending daughter's participation in poms (she finds out tomorrow - she's attending a camp for the present pom squad at the school she is most likely transferring to).
I am also working to try to get the fixed bills down (for cable/phone and Internet). Plus we're all using Tracfones and that isn't making the most financial sense. Will have to post more about this in detail to get feedback and advice on what has worked for you readers.)
I zeroed in on successful money management in the grocery arena for this two-week pay period. Sam's Club has been great buying in bulk, but I spend most of my funds there and now that it is summer I have more time and will hopefully implement some changes for organization to carry over to the fall when we're really in crazy flux.
I spent time searching recipes for soups and on the menu for the adults this week are: quick curried chick peas (DH's lunch) and a chunky lentil and vegetable soup. Brats and chicken on the grill. Also found some easy recipes for splurges like strawberry white chocolate scones which seem healthier (and cheaper) than donuts.
OK, this is more or less just a reminder to me that now is the time to get serious about having those financial funds keep us afloat.
Also: I've been on the search for bedding for the guest room where the foreign exchange student will be living from Aug 5 to Dec 20. I regularly checked out clearance racks at Kohl's, Target and BB&B. I popped over to craigslist and found a brand new never used twin set in a beautiful green/blue paisley. Retails still for $110 for comforter and sham. I am picking it up for $50 tomorrow. I had a $20 saved for "Random" and will take $30 from extraneous.
Posted in
June 19th, 2014 at 09:59 pm
For once, not more month than money. OK, that's an exaggeration. We usually coast into Pay Day Eve with $4.69 balance. This time it was within a buck.
Definitely to reign in on food spending. Time to check those summer and light eating recipes.
That's it. Just a random money observation.
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June 18th, 2014 at 07:29 pm
My younger daughter is 15 and heading into the 10th grade. And she is contemplating a school switch. She's a bright girl who is on scholarship at her present Catholic high school. The nice thing is her scholarship goes with her and funds about 50% of the tuition (she had a $600 sibling discount at the old school, and new school is $600 less in tuition, so that is a wash.)
She's trying out for the pom squad on Saturday (she loves to dance and this will be a great opportunity for her should she decide to attend this new school). I gave her the paperwork about the camp and uniforms. She didn't read it until later and came down rather upset, asking if I knew how much this would cost ($150 for the camp and $400 for uniforms which they'd need to measure and order right away for the team in the fall). I said I knew how much it would cost because I read the papers before giving them to her.
She got to work straight away figuring how to help defray the costs of the transition to the new school. No new Irish dance shoes which she needs badly (won't give that up) as they can go to the shoe repair for new heels. Uniforms/books - she sent an email to the mother of my older daughter's best friend who attend the school and is switching to a new uniform as a junior. She asked if she might be able to get hand-me-downs and/or books at a discounted price. (I am pretty sure she'll get bags full of things from this family). She also asked what I thought about taking $100 from her savings account.
I am blessed with kids who understand the value of the buck, especially when the funds are certainly limited giving the whole unemployed father and student-mother reality that we're gearing up for.
I was proud of her. I want her to appreciate her experiences and it is great that she is involved with making economic choices. And I know she is going to make this dance team and I hope she loves the whole experience. This is one of those joys of seeing kids grow up and "get it".
Posted in
June 13th, 2014 at 07:09 pm
Equifax 717 (range 250-900)
Is that good, bad, mediocre, or otherwise?
Just starting to look into these things with interest, given a potential refi or purchase of vacation home.
Thanks in advance.
Posted in
June 10th, 2014 at 03:05 pm
Summer is here and I finished classes last week. Still waiting on grades, but it was a time of personal growth (both academically and spiritually). My family has had to embrace some independence as I wasn't always available for everything I used to do (and this is from the littlest to the oldest). Taking the summer off and planning on two to three classes in the fall, and I'm seriously considering doing all the reading for the heavy duty Theology course this summer so that would be off the plate, just then a matter of material review. Kids have adjusted well to summer, sleeping in and staying up late.
I have a part-time job on the horizon. Essentially it is mine if I want it, having been recommended by the Director of Operations whom I met in Seminary. Counseling in the jail (not prison, jail. Mostly groups for life skills and anger management). Once I get my certification I will be able to add individual ministry. This is a piggyback off of my post about divine intervention and providence.
And DH has a promising job opportunity about 1.5 miles from home. He is overqualified, but knows the program software in and out. This would be the filler gap of employment while he is in the deaconate program. Again, DH has gotten most of his jobs by having them fall into his lap, and this is the same case. So we are trusting and hopeful. Positive thoughts would be appreciated.
A very good friend from high school has received some very bad news about a return of his cancer. He isn't able to have anymore radiation or chemo and his team is looking at a bone marrow transplant. I am crushed because it doesn't look good. This is my friend who lost half of his face because of bone cancer in the cheek bone. He was scheduled for his facial reconstruction and the found the cancer in his pre-op work-up. He and his wife have such an amazing bond and it is just heart-breaking. This is my FB friend who responds to every single dumb post I write, and every day I send him an image of a Disney something. So my take away is to live life and be nice. Always be nice and kind.
Posted in
June 1st, 2014 at 05:04 pm
I got tired of May. Struggling to write cohesive graduate-level publish-worthy papers (of which I am on the final phase of third rewrite to finish today). Half the kids on vacation, the other half not. Mini-dramas of sorts with the inner-circle (brother and best friend, nothing major but some hand-holding required), overwhelmed with volunteer work which ultimately means no tuition at the parochial school for my sons, etc.
Then there was the nosebleed of money that left: $361 for brake job for DH's minivan, $128 for plumbing issue at rental property, $30 for DH's driver license renewal, $40 for dog grooming, etc. The only good thing is that nothing went on the credit card. The only bad thing is I didn't make my savings goal.
So we are essential "broke" until next Friday (payday). I borrowed a trash sticker from my mother for trash pick up because we have $4 left in the checking account. I imagine that we will be OK because the gas tanks are filled enough for local driving and the cupboards are filled for six days worth of meals. DH and I might be having potatoes and eggs scramble for dinner once or twice, but that is OK.
And I booked and paid for our airline tickets for California in July. Used miles and paid $1,644 for seven us to and from Santa Ana/Orange County. My uncle can get discounted tix for Disneyland and Universal. Looks like car rental for a minivan will be $700 for eleven days. Also hoping to do a mini trip up the coast to Santa Barbara/Solvang.
So I imagine a low spend month given our choices tend toward frugal when saving up for a trip.
Will be caring for my brother's dogs when he travels for two weeks, so that will be an additional $400 minimum (14 days) spending cash.
Hope all have a great day. And to note: No concrete goals for me for the month other than fritter away funds for our trip.
Posted in
May 23rd, 2014 at 08:52 pm
I've meandered from the frugal path. I'm not sure why. I've upped the grocery budget simply because we've got more kids coming in and out, and more mouths to feed. Some of the increase has been prepared foods for convenience since I'm in school now and trying to study/write papers. That is an excuse, but I'm being real. Here are several instances of how I almost abandoned my good judgment:
I almost spent $50 for a NWOT Liz Claiborne beige plaid carry-on luggage. I found it on the local garage sale FB group. It read something like "Paid $155, asking $50. Used only twice." I liked it. It was quite cute. I'm going on vacation to visit my grandmother, how nice it would be to have that item in particular. I'd like to avoid checking luggage and each travel companion will be bringing their school backpacks with their wardrobe (not scared because my grandmother has a washer/dryer and we'll be gone nine days). I found myself inquiring about dimensions, and if it is from a smoke-free and pet-free home. WTH? Where is my good sensibility?
And in thinking about the bedroom redo for the foreign exchange student, I found a gently used comforter that my girls used at some point several room re-dos again. Almost perfect with a perfect sham. Still need curtains but that is far less than the $59 (before coupon) set that I found. So again "What was I thinking?" Crossing that item off of the last post. Thank you, Snafu, for the gentle reminder that I don't really want to fritter away funds? Um, no. I'd like to divert those toward the outstanding tuition balance for the next year.
Looking into the option of only buying one mattress (which is needed) and possibly a gel top or mattress topper to extend the life of an old uncomfortable mattress that one child is presently sleeping on.
We are upgrading our existing patio furniture with my brother's old set. We are lacking enough seating when we have guests. Free to us.
Back shopping for Mother's Day gifts for our moms, I came across a really cute blue/white nautical striped top (Calvin Klein) at Carsons. Seemed like a good deal at $26 down from $50. I decided I'd go back and buy it with funds I knew I was getting. Then I ended up buying some work out clothes at Walmart and an item for my hobby that I ordinarily wouldn't have bought, thus no funds remaining for Calvin Klein shirt I wanted to buy. I forgot about it, but think it would be a good staple item for a capsule wardrobe. I remembered it when I was at Sam's today and found something very similar (less the hood which makes it a bit dressier). I spent $9.81 and don't regret the purchase.
So, I almost spent $50 for nice, but totally unnecessary carry on luggage for a trip that I am scrimping and saving to fund. I also almost spent at least $50 on bedding when I had something nice and suitable in my possessions in the basement. I am expanding my deck seating for free. I saved at least $16 on an item that I intended to buy to stretch my wardrobe.
Ugh, to think that I've lost that lovin' feeling for being frugal. Today is almost three months to E day (End of employment for DH, though severance will see us through the year).
And I got two free samples of daughter's asthma meds for the next two months. Savings $260.00.
OK, feeling better about being strong enough to deny those urges, but wondering where those wants are creeping up from!
Posted in
May 21st, 2014 at 10:01 pm
Had to laugh at English Castle's post! I have taken a look around my house and determined that there is a list of things (not long) that need to be done.
My list of things to tackle includes:
1) 2 twin mattresses
2) Bedding for foreign ex student's room
3) Inexpensive artwork
4) New shower curtain for main bathroom
5) Paint and towels for main bathroom
6) Shelving unit and storage for main bathroom
7) New twin sheets all the way around (six twin bedding sets) Mostly solid colors for mixing/matching
8) New bed pillows
9) Window treatments for bedroom for foreign ex student
Not all in all budget breaking or bending, however, we are going further into serious economizing mode (if there was such a thing). And I'm looking at coupons and sale ads. I imagine that my shelving unit will come from Hobby Lobby (I like what they have there). I also imagine that the bedding will be from Bed/Bath/Beyond as I did see something that I like (duvet cover and sham for $59) Will try to insert link for item here.
I like that it is reversible. And maybe matching blue curtains with orange ribbon tie backs? Economical, but cute?
I also found shower curtains that I really like at Target that cost no more than $25.
So, I will keep this as my "To Do" home improvement list, too.
Posted in
May 18th, 2014 at 01:22 am
Life is moving right along and as I've mentioned, proactivity has been very helpful in dealing with the upcoming changes. I know that I've shared that I've returned to school and am attending Seminary going for my certification in pastoral care and counseling (I earned my Masters the year before starting my family and had five surviving children in seven years). My ultimate goal is chaplaincy, in either a hospital or prison. The opportunity for the hospital chaplaincy program presented itself three weeks ago with a January start date for a part-time internship that usually leads to paid employment (part-time) in 6-9 months. It seemed like the job dropped itself in my lap since I heard about it from two different avenues (the present deacon in my parish) and my advisor at Seminary. HOWEVER, my heart wasn't really into it, and I was convincing myself of it. Not quite sure why, but I think I was meant to be in the prisons. My oldest daughter is a huge advocate of abolishing the death penalty and is very much into social justice. People say that she gets it from me. Hospital doesn't necessarily equate with social justice.
OK, this is where providence comes into play. I've wrestled with this path. And today I decided to finally go to Walmart and buy myself some new workout clothing. I was by myself and was walking into Walmart. My WM regularly has a table outside the exit where some organization is soliciting donations for various causes. I usually never ever pay attention, but decided to fish in my wallet for my only paper dollar. The organization was one in my county that deals with the prison population in jail (those awaiting trial/sentencing/or serving less than 1 year sentence). And the collector was a fellow classmate of mine from my Monday night class. I knew she was a minister. However, she is also Director of Operations of this organization.
And I can volunteer starting right away because I have the Masters Degree. And they have an immediate need for counselors in the prison. And if I am interested in paid part-time employment, there is usually a position available every six to nine months. And I have her business card. And I am to call on Monday to discuss my availability. And to think that I was just having a chat with God about how nice it would be to have some sort of sign that I am embarking on the right journey.
So, it appears that my calling to chaplaincy in a prison is really where I am meant to be after all. And to be able to have the potential of paid employment in six to nine months (and a lot earlier than mid-late 2015) is very reassuring.
Looks like I'm going in the right direction.
Posted in
May 16th, 2014 at 05:51 pm
Hard to believe that May is half over. My sixth grader said to me the other day, "It is funny how fast the school year flies by when you are eleven." Yeah, funny how fast it flies when your in your mid forties, sonny-boy kiddo!
Tenant paid $480/$725 with balance coming next Friday. Definitely need to rework the bill pay dates to correspond with DH's (remaining) paychecks and severance so I don't find myself with more month than money.
Most of us had a hard time waking up this morning. I turned the heat off and it was 63 in the house. Our breakfast pickings were slim, with even slimmer lunch options (though only the girls take lunch on Friday). Older daughter had her AP World History Exam yesterday and has been studying that for eons. She wasn't sure how she did and won't find out until July. Then there was bickering amongst the boys on the way to school (very unlike them) with one of them getting very upset and angry and running his mouth (big no no). He decided it was best if he got out and walk the last two blocks rather than risk losing his ipod or technology privileges. So be it. It was raining, but I suppose it was best he walk.
I didn't sleep well and came home and took a nap. I have shopping to do and laundry to fold but I don't feel like lifting a finger. It is a soccer tournament weekend and we've had snow flurries this morning. I imagine we will all be sick next week.
Anyhow, where is summer? Hell, where is spring?
Hope everyone is staying warm and safe and sane.
Posted in
May 14th, 2014 at 02:20 pm
In doing a search of affordable vacation homes close to Chicago, I cam across this listing. And I fell in love with it. In all of its oddness and quirkiness.
The price was right. The location was right. Until I determined that it was actually in Bridgeport and NOT Bridgeman where we are initially starting to look.
So with that, proximity to home (almost 5 hours) it is off the list. Oh well, I *did* like it.
And I am in the process of a major declutter in the kitchen and coat closet that I will finish up today.
Posted in
May 12th, 2014 at 06:18 pm
Hope all the Mothers here had a great day yesterday! Mine was nice and low key, with a get-together at my parents' house. We spent $29.98 on beautiful hanging baskets of some flowering plant at Sam's Club. I also contributed $38 cash to my anniversary/MD gift - DH and kids got me charms for my Brighton charm bracelet (my favorite was a spacer shaped like a soccer ball with a diamond chip in it- so cute!)
I also ended up with cash from my inlaws and parents. I am in need of some work out clothes (34 miles run in May alone) and DH needs some gym shoes and socks, so I'll do a run to Walmart in the next few days. It is nice to cross off some of the "needed" items from the list.
We dealt with the unexpected purchase of a battery for the Kia Sedona ($115) on Saturday, and a $10 deposit for a ripped screen to be fixed.
I also spent $175 on groceries because we were almost Mother Hubbard in the kitchen area. I've pretty much adopted an open door policy with my kids' friends, as long as we are home and around you can have people over. Younger daughter has a friend in an unhappy living situation (parents divorced 3 years ago, mother remarried and divorced in that time, moved about 45 minutes away, girl lives with father who works 2nd shift concierge one town over and is always by herself) She's celebrated Thanksgiving and Easter with us in the past, and she was with us from after school on Friday to about 11:00 PM Saturday. I don't mind, but I need to have better stocked cabinets and bigger meals planned.
My brother is back with his long-time old girlfriend - they broke up recently but went into therapy, dated other people and are now back. Wedding is going to be next summer. That was a bit of a surprise, but the gf made an effort to bond with my kids (especially the boys) and taught them card games, and I imagine this will be a nice way to grow the family. She has two children and we met the youngest, a girl who is the age of my youngest.
Also will have the chance to earn $210 at the end of June taking care of brother's dogs when he goes to FL. That will be convenient before our trip to CA in July. I told the kids that will be their souvenir money ($25/each and lunch).
All is good!
Posted in
May 9th, 2014 at 01:49 pm
It is a rainy Friday here in the Midwest. A depressing Friday complete with rainy and muggy wind. And it is dark. I would feel woeful if it was a Monday.
Yesterday was the VIP show at the grade school. The highschoolers left school early to attend, as did DH. He left amidst a crisis at work which will probably be there waiting for him this morning. He's still running on empty, but we've calmed down a bit here at home with people returning to being nice and helpful, etc. He said this morning, "I am worried about what comes next." He's referring to post-employment that starts on 8/29. I gave him all the reasons that we will be fine (EF in the bank, offer of help from biological father to cover COBRA expenses - he's got a lot of money and pays my brother's law school loans, severance, unemployment, stipend from hosting foreign exchange student).
It was nice to utter, "It *will* be OK." And believe it. Thanks for helping me evolve to this point with your support and understanding.
And then of course I will be working at some point, and I plan on substitute teaching for the district for the first semester of the next school year anyhow.
And what I think is really nice is that DH was with the kids yesterday when I was at school. I usually try to plan everything - dinner and who needs to do what, but I didn't. He got oldest daughter to a dress fitting, got the middle one to soccer practice, took the girls shopping for clothes at Kohls and Target (they used their own money and are out of uniform on Fridays), and when I got home from class at 7:15, everyone's homework was done and they saved some Little Cesar's Pizza for me.
Life is good. Not sure why I spend so much time with my knickers in a twist.
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